DaVinci Center for Musical Arts Studio Policies for Private/Paired Lessons

Tuition Rates and Registration

The one-time registration fee is $40 for the first family member and $10 for every additional family member.

Tuition rates are as follows:

  • 20-Minute Private Lessons (ages 4-7): $105/month
  • 30-Minute Private Lessons (ages 5-adult): $152/month
  • 45-Minute Private Lessons (ages 9+): $225/month
  • 60-Minute a-la-carte Private Lesson (ages 9+): $75/lesson
  • 40 Minute Private/Paired Combo (ages 5-8): $152/month (per student)
  • 30-Minute Paired Lessons (all ages): $105/month (per student)

Travel Fee:

For In-Home lessons, a $55-$75/month additional travel fee is added to tuition (depending on location).

The tuition rates are based on four monthly lessons, so you pay a standard tuition each month. Tuition is processed on the first (1st) of each month and applies to the concurrent month. Typically, this payment is processed with AutoPay from the card you entered on the registration form. You can change payment information in the Parent Portal. Payments may also be made via check by placing the check in the payment drop box at the DaVinci Center. Check payments are due on the first (1st) of each month.

PLEASE NOTE: There is a $30 late fee for payments that are 10 or more days late.

Tuition Balancing:

The first month of lessons is always prorated according to the lessons actually taken if starting mid-month. After that, although some months (actually 4 per year) have five lessons, you only pay for 4 lessons per month, always. Tuition is based on 48 lessons per year. This is balanced out with the DaVinci Holiday Schedule when there are only 3 lessons/per month.

DaVinci Holiday Weeks (no lessons):

  • July 4th week
  • Thanksgiving week
  • Christmas week
  • New Years’ week

Trial Lessons

One free trial lesson per student is available upon request before the student’s first lesson. Please note that not all DaVinci teachers offer a free trial lesson but may offer a brief meet-and-greet opportunity. If the student decides to continue with lessons after the trial, the trial lesson will be added to the first month’s bill.

Canceling/Disenrolling from Lessons:

When disenrolling from lessons, please provide a one-month written notice to the office. This is to give the billing team time to make the necessary adjustments to auto-pay. We cannot guarantee a refund for missed lessons within this one-month time frame.

Make-up Lessons

Make-up lessons will ONLY be offered for reasons of illness, vacations or unexpected emergencies, with 24-hour notice. Make-up lessons are limited to no more than four (4) times a year – including summer lessons. Providing more than four make-ups is under the discretion of the teacher but should not be expected. Parents/students are responsible for arranging make-up lessons. If a teacher cancels a lesson, you are guaranteed a make-up for the canceled lesson, and it does not count towards the four make-up limit.

Only one make-up lesson will be scheduled per missed lesson (there are no makeups for missed makeups). For extended absences (4 weeks or more) which are planned, adjustments in tuition are considered. Contact the office for this, please.

Makeups are done by adding extra time to future lessons or scheduled separately. You can add extra makeup lessons by participating in two group classes during Performance Class and Harmony Class weeks. All you do is come to an extra group class on the weeks they occur (Performance Class or Harmony Class) and use this as an extra makeup for a missed private lesson. This means you have 8 weeks of the year that you can take a group class as a makeup lesson, giving you 12 weeks total of makeup lessons, which is rather generous. Usually, there are NO make-ups for missed Performance Parties or missed Harmony Classes. Missed In-Home lessons are made-up at the Center, or by adding extra time to future In-Home lessons at the teacher’s discretion. We do NOT credit lessons except for extended planned vacations or extended illness. Unfortunately, we cannot give make-ups for forgotten lessons, conflicting extra-curricular activities (sports, clubs, school concerts, birthday parties etc. or lessons that fall on holidays in which DaVinci is still open (i.e., President’s Day, Valentine’s Day, Halloween, etc.)