Online Piano Lessons – Remote Piano Lessons in Your Home

Using Zoom, Skype or Facetime 

In-home remote Piano Playtime online piano lessons for 3 – 5 year olds are fun, engaging and scheduled around your calendar.  Ten to fifteen minutes of private online lesson time with your piano/keyboard or one of the Casio SA-46 mini-keyboard that we use (around $45.)
Private/paired online lessons are also available for ages 5 to adults. 
Massive brain research shows preschool piano as the top activity for building larger brain size and promotes accelerated intellectual development and overall brain function. Piano activates, accelerates, and permanently expands many neuron centers of learning including speech/language, fine motor, auditory processing, visual/spatial reasoning, social/interactive, cognition, confidence, and much more.

About Online Piano Playtime Lessons

  • Private Online virtual lessons available,  10-15 minute long for ages 3.5 to 5, flexible scheduling
  • Ages 2½ – 5 Years old for group classes at home
  • 4-6 Students Per Class
  • Month to month tuition, $80/mo based on 48 wks/year cycle
  • Weeks of July 4 – Thanksgiving – Christmas –  New Years are no lessons

For More Information:

Fill out Contact Information Below or REGISTER BELOW

(720) 466-5119

Broomfield Piano Lessons School Launches Piano Playtime at Montessori Denver

Broomfield Piano Lessons School Launches Piano Playtime at Montessori Denver

Broomfield Music School, Davinci Center for Musical Arts, has announced its launch of the Piano Playtime program at the nationally recognized independent Montessori school, Montessori School of Denver.



This exciting partnership encompasses DaVinci Center for Musical Arts offering their Piano Playtime program to Montessori School of Denver preschoolers. Now, in it’s 3rd year, the program combines both the primary benefits of the philosophy behind Maria Montessori’s original mission along with DaVinci Center’s unique applications of the Montessori method.


Over a 100 years ago, Maria Montessori (1870 – 1952) saw a great need to reform the educational system of her era. Not only have her ground-breaking concepts stood the test of time, but they have proven to be even more valuable than ever for the 21st century.


Maria devoted her life to creating schools that developed the full potential of each individual child. She believed that the right type of teaching methods could be a powerful force in nurturing more responsible and caring individuals. Great success was both possible and likely.through observation, individual choice, and a carefully prepared environment.


Likewise, Piano Playtime instructors has been serving children for over 30 years with the same mission statement. They bring expertise in educational psychology directly applied to music learning for optimal brain development. DaVinci Center’s music education applications are, to a great extent, based on the core learning principles of Maria Montessori. The added modalities of Shinichi Suzuki and Kodaly are also utilized to give students of all ages the most natural and effective tools for developing artful musicianship, creativity, and most importantly, exceptional human beings.


As part of a long-term strategy, both schools strive to help children reach their full potential by increasing neural development during their early years with proven, age appropriate, piano research. When asked about the continuing joint venture, Maria Hart from DaVinci Center said,

“I’m overjoyed to be working with Montessori School of Denver, because the Montessori philosophy and the Piano Playtime ideals are so similar and congruent. Working with children, parents, and teachers who all feel the same about the love of learning and discovering music through piano in a natural environment is so inspiring”

But why are piano lessons, specifically, so important?


Many recent studies in neuroscience conclude that learning to play the piano during the formative preschool years is the most beneficial of any activity available. It is supremely unique because it builds intelligence, brain function, increased neuro-networking, concentration, coordination, confidence, and the integration of 86 specific brain functions that occur in the brain solely while learning to play the piano. Research shows that learning piano before the age of 7 literally grows physically larger brains…

Read the rest of the article on USAToday now!

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