Piano Playtime

Broomfield DaVinci Center

555 Alter Street, Suite A
Broomfield, CO 80020

Piano Playtime is for 3-6-year-olds, as well as advanced 2½ year-olds, at the Broomfield DaVinci Center Music.

Research in neuroscience has concluded that learning to play the piano during the preschool years is the most beneficial of ANY single activity for building a large brain size, increased intelligence, concentration, coordination, confidence and brain integration.  Besides, Piano Playtime is super FUN!  Based on decades of research and design, our curriculum integrates conceptual learning, behavioral, tactile, visual, auditory, language and social skills with maximum brain inputs for each activity/concept.  It’s truly amazing that these targeted skills actually transfer to many other activities outside of piano.   Each child with their own mini-keyboard, weekly notes (pictures) in their “piano book”, video clips of individual students sent to parents and an inspiring Piano Parties with parents at the end of the Session makes Piano Playtime truly an amazing shared experience, building a great foundation for lifetimes of music!  Neither having a piano at home, nor home practice is necessary. 

About Piano Playtime

  • 30 Minute Classes
  • THURSDAYS 4:30-5:00
  • Ages 2½ – 5 Years Old
  • 4 Students / Class
  • Month-to-Month Commitment
  • Annual Recitals
  • $88/mo for 4 lessons/mo
  • Registration fee, one time $40

Call For More Information:

(720) 466-5119

Register Today for Broomfield DaVinci Center Piano Playtime.